Periods: Liquid Gold of Life

Ah yes, menstruation. That sacred cycle every woman endures—like a monthly reminder that life itself flows through us. They call it "menstruation," as if men don’t bring us enough problems already.

Let’s be honest, the joys of womanhood often feel more like a punishment. From the cramps that twist you into a pretzel to the emotional rollercoaster that makes even the tiniest inconvenience feel like the end of the world, it's a wild ride. And don't even get me started on the cost—pads, tampons, painkillers, chocolate, and the ice cream therapy sessions that follow. It's almost like paying rent for the privilege of existing.

Let’s talk about the real cost of menstruation. It’s not enough that we endure the physical and emotional havoc of our cycles; society also decided to slap a price tag on it. Between hygiene products, painkillers, heating pads, and whatever snacks we need to survive those 5-7 days, it’s like we’re paying rent just to exist as women.

And yes, we have to deal with the pink tax. Because apparently, menstruating isn’t expensive enough, so they thought, “Let’s make it even pricier!” Pads, tampons, menstrual cups—they’re all considered “luxury items” in some parts of the world. Really? Luxury? If anything, we deserve some kind of monthly compensation for the battle we wage with our own bodies.

The idea that period products aren’t accessible to everyone is absurd. Millions of women worldwide can’t afford basic period necessities, and that’s where period poverty comes in. Some girls miss school or work, all because of a biological function they can’t control. It’s not just inconvenient; it’s an injustice. But I guess until society figures out how to profit from making periods more manageable, we’re stuck footing the bill for our own survival.

Speaking of survival, let’s not forget the heroic feat of being productive during your period. Can we talk about how periods are like a monthly biological sabotage mission, yet we’re still expected to carry on as if nothing’s happening? Sure, I can totally knock out that work presentation while my uterus feels like it’s auditioning for Cirque du Soleil. No problem!

We’ve normalized this struggle so much that we don’t even blink when we’re expected to “power through.” The world keeps turning, and we’re expected to keep turning with it—despite cramps, mood swings, and the general sense of impending doom. Can you imagine if men had to go through this? There’d be a national holiday.

Honestly, we deserve some kind of medal, or at the very least, a mandatory menstrual retreat. I’m thinking spa hotel, blankets, snacks, and Netflix—a place where we can retreat once a month to rest and recharge. We could call it Chhaupadi 2.0, except this time, it’s on our terms.

Behind all the sarcasm and chocolate binges, though, there’s something powerful about periods. As much as we complain (and rightfully so), there’s a deep resilience in what we endure every month. We curse Eve and that apple, but there’s also a quiet strength in knowing our bodies are capable of incredible things—whether that’s creating life or simply surviving another week of PMS.

Maybe it’s time we reclaim the narrative. Periods don’t have to be just a nuisance—they can be a reminder of the strength we carry. After all, we’ve been dealing with this since the beginning of time. And while society likes to frame it as a burden, we know better. It’s a monthly struggle, yes, but one that connects us to the cycle of life itself.

Here’s a thought: men may have their strength, but we have our cycles. And those cycles are tied to the very creation of life. If that’s not power, I don’t know what is.

Historically, menstruation has been shrouded in shame and secrecy. But what if we flipped the script? Our feminine cycles are more than just a reminder of biology—they’re a connection to the life force that flows through us, the same one that allows us to nurture and sustain life.

We are quite literally in sync with nature, and while the cramps, mood swings, and hormonal chaos don’t feel very “empowering” in the moment, there’s something deeply inspiring about the fact that we walk through this fire every month and still thrive.

So, to all the women out there, I say this: embrace the liquid gold. Stock up on snacks, get that heating pad ready, and keep your sense of humor. We might not have control over this part of our lives, but we do have control over how we see it. Let’s reclaim the narrative, and maybe—just maybe—we’ll get the world to agree that we deserve a break.

And if not? Well, there’s always chocolate.

By: Krisna Adrien


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